

Although this campaign attempts to address all the issues there are certainly a few unknown ones that haven’t yet been addressed. The Green Party is certainly The party that fairly addresses all of the issues whenever they occur. The Green Party seeks to hear all points of view.


Medical Disclaimer

The medical information on This site is provided as an information resource only and is not to be used or relied on for any diagnostic or treatment purposes. These are my personal experiences and those of others which may work for you or may not. This information is not intended to be patient education, does not create any patient-physician relationship, and should not be used as a substitute for professional diagnosis and treatment. Please consult your health care provider before making any health care decisions or for guidance about a specific medical condition. James V. Bronke shall have no liability for any damages, loss, injury, or liability whatsoever suffered as a result of your reliance on the information contained in this site.


Health Care Progress

In my lifetime of 73 years, I’ve had a chance to test and evaluate many different cold cures and pneumonia fixes as well as being tested and examined for cancer and cataracts as well as breaking a couple of bones. I have my opinions on just what is working in our medical community and just what isn’t. And I’m afraid that I’m not too happy with the overall way our medical community is structured. Some things doctors do well. And some things our doctors are not doing so well. It is all based on one of the underlying principles of America: profits first in the health care system instead of results first. In this paper I will briefly mention what I feel are the shortcomings in our health care system. This has nothing to do with health insurance.

  1. It must be reminded to people that the COVID vaccines that were released in 2022 had not undergone thorough testing for many years as prior vaccines had so done. It has become evident now with increasing death rates being recorded in countries that have been using the vaccines that the use of the vaccines is highly likely to contribute to this calamity. Embalmers have removed white fibrous blood clots from the deceased in their embalming process that has not been seen before this time. This needs to be investigated and I will press the FDA to do so. (see link below)
  2. A year ago in 2023, the first half I was diagnosed with prostate cancer. I ended up learning by watching many videos that the best way to take care of it was to fast. I wrote and authored A brief video on the results. The link is here.:

I’m afraid that I don’t feel our FDA is doing adequate research in this regard as people don’t know about this. They don’t know the simple reality is that when you fast your body keeps itself alive by consuming stored fat for energy, but cancer cells can’t do that. The word on this needs to get out as cancer treatments that don’t always work to save the individual invariably do harm to the body as well. Fasting does not do harm to the body in such a fashion. $200 billion is being spent every year on cancer treatments and I plan to at least promote on my website and through videos progress on curing cancer and my efforts to get the FDA focused in the right direction.

  1. Eight years ago, I was diagnosed with the onset of cataracts by my ophthalmologist. She referred me to an expert on cataract surgery for which I immediately made an appointment to see and followed up with him. He said I had the fast-growing cataracts, that he would see me every six months, and after two years I would most likely need surgery. A friend of mine referred me to some drops I could put in my eyes, I did so and when my six month treatment came up I went and saw this specialist who examined my eyes and said that I didn’t need to come back. So, after eight years of my ophthalmologist verifying that the cataracts are not growing and knowing what I’m using to solve that I asked her if she had ever told anyone. She said no it is not FDA approved. If elected I will pursue saving $3.4 billion a year by informing people how to get advanced notice of cataract development and what to do about it. Refer to this video for more information.
  2. For decades I have learned how to solve the common cold under certain conditions and without drugs but the FDA has not followed up on research that would have provided more insight into this approach. I will also have videos and provide updates on this as it also impacts the severity of COVID infections.

For all of the above concerns my opponent, the incumbent for this position, does not have a concern with the FDA. I will make health concerns for everybody front and center of my office.

Jim Bronke

Vaccine Injuries Reported

How I Killed My Cancer

Our country and our leaders are either part of the problem or part of the solution and I’m afraid that most of our leaders are part of the problem. With regard to health care our FDA is a profit oriented entity and so are our doctors. I consider it to be a leadership responsibility to pursue any and all approaches to saving people’s lives and reducing the health care costs that our government has because of non-fully pursued solutions to health problems. This video is a little example where in a non-professional manner I documented my solution to prostate cancer which I believe applies to all cancers.

Avoiding Cataract Surgery


Climate change and war

it is clear from anyone who is observant at all that our planet is warming up. A lake near me here in Michigan used to freeze over 40 years ago to the point where they could park a car out on it and drive snowmobiles on it. Now it is a rare year when they can schedule an ice fishing contest in February. The planet is warming up and certainly the Green Party is well aware of this science and I am fully behind and support actions that help reduce the foreboding onset of the warming planet. There needs to be a transition to non-fossil fuel energy creation.

I am not a real fan of electric cars as, if our grid overloads people won’t be able to charge their cars. I am a fan of small hybrids. I don’t wish to support a dramatic transition, but people should voluntarily be driving more fuel-efficient cars. I expect in the future I will have some input on geoengineering approaches to help cool the planet. I will help in this regard because I feel that it is inevitable that it be necessary.

About war and the support of war. I am opposed to aggression by nations against other peoples which includes the capture of property land and businesses from people who can’t defend themselves. It has become necessary and is right that we stop Putin from advancing into Ukraine. Military buildup, which frequently involves the use of drones now, is certainly in a constant state of improvement to these new risks. I will be supportive of such actions.

.Jim Bronke