About Us

Why Choose Us

If you want a better future, Vote for us

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Experienced & Professional

My engineering training and my experience in private industry and with the government makes me especially qualified to work within our government to solve the tough technical problems that we are faced with. You can expect the best researched solution to almost any problem we are faced with including politics, technology and health.

Strong vision

Strong vision requires weighing the impact of not only the priority of the problem but also the impact of the solution. Climate change puts us in that position as the more we burn fossil fuels the worse our problem is going to be. So, we must transition to cleaner energy at a pace that keeps us all employed.

Honesty & Transparency

You can expect with any Green Party candidate that you will have a fair solution that represents the will of the people and not the will of big business. Our government cannot live for the fortunes of big businesses and our government must get its spending under control. I will do my best in that regard.